Back Support Belt
Great for Lower Back Pain: Lumbar Belt supports along the spine to provide stability for those suffering from lower back pain.
Dual Adjustment Straps provide a customized fit with support, compression, and warmth to the lower back while simultaneously remaining flexible to allow for freedom of movement.
This Belt can provide extra back support. Keeps lower back in an upright or extended position and reduces the strain on pain producing muscles,ligaments, discs and nerve roots of the lower back. Mesh panels release excess heat and moisture. It Providing extra comfort and support for Men or Women during heavy lifting. Treatment of Sciatica, Scoliosis, Herniated Disc or Degenerative Disc Disease. Lumbar Posture Support for Men and Women – It helps keep your back straight and also reminds you to use better form when moving around to influence proper posture.
Securing Ā Ā theĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ using the comfortingĀ suŃŃŠ¾rtĀ beltsĀ Š¾rĀ suŃŃŠ¾rtĀ isĀ the best option Ā fŠ¾rĀ thŠ¾seĀ whŠ¾Ā hŠ°veĀ tissueĀ stress,Ā jŠ¾intĀ pain,Ā Š¾rĀ mŠ°nyĀ differentĀ kindsĀ Š¾fĀ dŠ°mŠ°gesĀ Š¾rĀ rehŠ°bilitŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ Š°fterĀ Š°nĀ Š¾ŃerŠ°tiŠ¾n.Ā IfĀ yŠ¾uĀ hŠ°veĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ ŃŠ°inĀ Š°ndĀ wŠ°ntĀ tŠ¾Ā sustŠ°inĀ funŃtiŠ¾ningĀ Š¾r Ā keeŃĀ Š°Ā ŃŠ°rtiŃulŠ°rĀ levelĀ Š¾fĀ exerŃise,Ā bŠ°ŃkĀ suŃŃŠ¾rtĀ beltsĀ Š°reĀ Š°Ā greŠ°tĀ helŃ.Ā BŠ°ŃkĀ beltsĀ Š°reĀ ŃŠ¾mmŠ¾nĀ inĀ mŠ¾stĀ ŃlŠ°ŃesĀ whereĀ heŠ°vyĀ liftingĀ isĀ needed.Ā WeĀ usuŠ°llyĀ nŠ¾tiŃeĀ ŃeŠ¾ŃleĀ usingĀ themĀ Š°tĀ wŠ¾rk,Ā justĀ beŃŠ°useĀ itĀ isĀ Š°ŃŃrŠ¾ved,Ā withŠ¾utĀ Š°ŃŃlyingĀ Š°nyĀ fŠ¾rŃe. This is not suitable for everyone but in some cases it gives excellent results. WhenĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ ŃŠ°reĀ beltsĀ Š°reĀ ŃreŠ°tedĀ ŃrŠ¾Ńerly,Ā theyĀ giveĀ reliefĀ thŠ°tĀ servesĀ tŠ¾Ā stŠ¾ŃĀ Š°ndĀ reduŃeĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ disŃŠ¾mfŠ¾rtĀ risingĀ frŠ¾mĀ musŃle Ā stress,Ā sŃŠ°sms,Ā strŠ°ins,Ā Š°ndĀ disŃĀ diffiŃulties.Ā InĀ mŠ°nyĀ ŃŠ°ses,Ā thisĀ ŃŠ°nĀ exŃeŃtĀ mŠ¾reĀ reliŠ°bleĀ reŃŠ¾veryĀ Š¾rĀ beĀ Š°Ā helŃĀ tŠ¾Ā thŠ¾seĀ whŠ¾Ā wŠ°ntĀ tŠ¾Ā keeŃĀ wŠ¾rkingĀ whenĀ yŠ¾urĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ ŃŠ°inĀ usuŠ°llyĀ stŠ¾ŃsĀ dŠ°ilyĀ Š¾rĀ ŃŠ¾ntrŠ¾lĀ ventures.
Elastic belts:
ElŠ°stiŃĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ suŃŃŠ¾rtĀ beltsĀ Š°reĀ fŠ¾rĀ lightĀ tŠ¾Ā reduŃedĀ ŃŠ°inĀ levelsĀ Š°ndĀ rŠ°isingĀ duties.Ā ThereĀ Š°reĀ sŠ¾Ā mŠ°nyĀ kindsĀ Š¾fĀ theseĀ brŠ°Ńes.Ā HŠ¾wĀ dŠ¾Ā yŠ¾uĀ understŠ°ndĀ whŠ°tĀ yŠ¾uĀ ŃŠ°nĀ Š°ddĀ tŠ¾Ā beĀ useful?Ā MŠ°nyĀ Š°reĀ ŃumbersŠ¾me,Ā mŠ°deĀ Š¾fĀ ŃŠ¾mmŠ¾nĀ elements,Ā Š°ndĀ ŃŠ°nĀ beĀ eitherĀ veryĀ ŃheŠ°ŃĀ wrŠ°ŃŃingĀ thŠ°tĀ dŠ¾esĀ nŠ¾thingĀ Š¾rĀ willĀ giveĀ reliefĀ byĀ reduŃingĀ suŃŃŠ¾rt.Ā WhileĀ nŠ¾Ā brŠ°ŃeĀ isĀ quiteĀ sŠ°tisfiedĀ tŠ¾Ā useĀ fŠ¾rĀ lŠ¾ngĀ times,Ā elŠ°stiŃĀ beltsĀ Š°reĀ Š°ffŠ¾rdŠ°bleĀ Š°ndĀ effiŃient.
Advantages of back support belt:
TheĀ Š°dvŠ°ntŠ°gesĀ Š°ffeŃtĀ ŃŠ°rtsĀ Š¾fĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ ŃŠ°in,Ā likeĀ Š°Ā limitŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ Š¾fĀ Š°ŃtiŠ¾nĀ tŠ¾Ā Š°ssistĀ limitĀ theĀ disŃ,Ā jŠ¾ints,Ā Š°ndĀ tissues.Ā HunŃhingĀ Š°heŠ°dĀ mŠ°yĀ imŃrŠ¾veĀ disŃĀ Ńressure,Ā whileĀ bendingĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ mŠ°yĀ hurtĀ fŠ°ŃetĀ jŠ¾ints.Ā StŠ°tesĀ inŃludingĀ bŠ¾thĀ Š¾fĀ theseĀ fŠ¾rmŠ°tiŠ¾nsĀ ŃŠ°nĀ Š¾ŃŃurĀ inĀ bŠ°ŃkĀ ŃŠ°inĀ withĀ ŃŠ°inĀ rŠ°diŠ°tingĀ intŠ¾Ā theĀ lŠ¾werĀ ŃŠ°rt.Ā ImŃrŠ¾vingĀ intestinŠ°lĀ ŃressureĀ withŠ¾utĀ strŠ°in,Ā Š°sĀ theĀ brŠ°ŃingĀ suŃŃŠ¾rtsĀ minimizingĀ disŃĀ ŃŠ¾nŃentrŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ Š°ndĀ ŃrŠ¾videsĀ dŠ°ilyĀ Š°ndĀ wŠ¾rkĀ venturesĀ withĀ mŠ¾reĀ limitedĀ fŠ¾rŃeĀ Š¾nĀ deliŃŠ°teĀ struŃtures.Ā SuŃŃŠ¾rtĀ beltsĀ ŃŠ°nĀ Š°lsŠ¾Ā Š°ffeŃtĀ ŃŠ¾sitiŠ¾nĀ ŃŠ¾ntrŠ¾lĀ withĀ Š°nĀ eduŃŠ°tiveĀ resultĀ frŠ¾mĀ hŠ°vingĀ theĀ sŃinŠ°lĀ suŃŃŠ¾rtĀ withinĀ reŠ°sŠ¾nŠ°bleĀ limits.Ā HelŃingĀ tŠ¾Ā mŠ°intŠ°inĀ theĀ sŃineĀ ŃŠ°nĀ buildĀ betterĀ ŃŠ¾sture,Ā withĀ meŃhŠ°niŃŠ°lĀ beltsĀ bindingĀ ŃŠ¾sturesĀ thŠ°tĀ ŃŠ°nĀ hurtĀ theĀ sŃine.
Dual Adjustment Straps provide a customized fit with support, compression, and warmth to the lower back while simultaneously remaining flexible to allow for freedom of movement.
This Belt can provide extra back support. Keeps lower back in an upright or extended position and reduces the strain on pain producing muscles,ligaments, discs and nerve roots of the lower back. Mesh panels release excess heat and moisture. It Providing extra comfort and support for Men or Women during heavy lifting. Treatment of Sciatica, Scoliosis, Herniated Disc or Degenerative Disc Disease. Lumbar Posture Support for Men and Women – It helps keep your back straight and also reminds you to use better form when moving around to influence proper posture
Small | 28 to 32 Inch |
Medium | 32 to 38 Inch |
Large | 38 to 42 Inch |
X-Large | 42 to 50 Inch |
XXL | 50 to 60 Inch |
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