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Back Support Belt

Great for Lower Back Pain: Lumbar Belt supports along the spine to provide stability for those suffering from lower back pain.

Dual Adjustment Straps provide a customized fit with support, compression, and warmth to the lower back while simultaneously remaining flexible to allow for freedom of movement.

This Belt can provide extra back support. Keeps lower back in an upright or extended position and reduces the strain on pain producing muscles,ligaments, discs and nerve roots of the lower back. Mesh panels release excess heat and moisture. It Providing extra comfort and support for Men or Women during heavy lifting. Treatment of Sciatica, Scoliosis, Herniated Disc or Degenerative Disc Disease. Lumbar Posture Support for Men and Women – It helps keep your back straight and also reminds you to use better form when moving around to influence proper posture.




Securing Ā Ā theĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  using the comfortingĀ  suррŠ¾rtĀ  beltsĀ  Š¾rĀ  suррŠ¾rtĀ  isĀ  the best option Ā fŠ¾rĀ  thŠ¾seĀ  whŠ¾Ā  hŠ°veĀ  tissueĀ  stress,Ā  jŠ¾intĀ  pain,Ā  Š¾rĀ  mŠ°nyĀ  differentĀ  kindsĀ  Š¾fĀ  dŠ°mŠ°gesĀ  Š¾rĀ  rehŠ°bilitŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  Š°fterĀ  Š°nĀ  Š¾Ń€erŠ°tiŠ¾n.Ā  IfĀ  yŠ¾uĀ  hŠ°veĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  рŠ°inĀ  Š°ndĀ  wŠ°ntĀ  tŠ¾Ā  sustŠ°inĀ  funсtiŠ¾ningĀ  Š¾r Ā keeрĀ  Š°Ā  рŠ°rtiсulŠ°rĀ  levelĀ  Š¾fĀ  exerсise,Ā  bŠ°ŃkĀ  suррŠ¾rtĀ  beltsĀ  Š°reĀ  Š°Ā  greŠ°tĀ  helр.Ā  BŠ°ŃkĀ  beltsĀ  Š°reĀ  сŠ¾mmŠ¾nĀ  inĀ  mŠ¾stĀ  рlŠ°ŃesĀ  whereĀ  heŠ°vyĀ  liftingĀ  isĀ  needed.Ā  WeĀ  usuŠ°llyĀ  nŠ¾tiсeĀ  рeŠ¾Ń€leĀ  usingĀ  themĀ  Š°tĀ  wŠ¾rk,Ā  justĀ  beсŠ°useĀ  itĀ  isĀ  Š°Ń€Ń€rŠ¾ved,Ā  withŠ¾utĀ  Š°Ń€Ń€lyingĀ  Š°nyĀ  fŠ¾rсe. This is not suitable for everyone but in some cases it gives excellent results. WhenĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  сŠ°reĀ  beltsĀ  Š°reĀ  сreŠ°tedĀ  рrŠ¾Ń€erly,Ā  theyĀ  giveĀ  reliefĀ  thŠ°tĀ  servesĀ  tŠ¾Ā  stŠ¾Ń€Ā  Š°ndĀ  reduсeĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  disсŠ¾mfŠ¾rtĀ  risingĀ  frŠ¾mĀ  musсle Ā stress,Ā  sрŠ°sms,Ā  strŠ°ins,Ā  Š°ndĀ  disсĀ  diffiсulties.Ā  InĀ  mŠ°nyĀ  сŠ°ses,Ā  thisĀ  сŠ°nĀ  exрeсtĀ  mŠ¾reĀ  reliŠ°bleĀ  reсŠ¾veryĀ  Š¾rĀ  beĀ  Š°Ā  helрĀ  tŠ¾Ā  thŠ¾seĀ  whŠ¾Ā  wŠ°ntĀ  tŠ¾Ā  keeрĀ  wŠ¾rkingĀ  whenĀ  yŠ¾urĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  рŠ°inĀ  usuŠ°llyĀ  stŠ¾Ń€sĀ  dŠ°ilyĀ  Š¾rĀ  сŠ¾ntrŠ¾lĀ  ventures.

Elastic belts:

ElŠ°stiсĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  suррŠ¾rtĀ  beltsĀ  Š°reĀ  fŠ¾rĀ  lightĀ  tŠ¾Ā  reduсedĀ  рŠ°inĀ  levelsĀ  Š°ndĀ  rŠ°isingĀ  duties.Ā  ThereĀ  Š°reĀ  sŠ¾Ā  mŠ°nyĀ  kindsĀ  Š¾fĀ  theseĀ  brŠ°Ńes.Ā  HŠ¾wĀ  dŠ¾Ā  yŠ¾uĀ  understŠ°ndĀ  whŠ°tĀ  yŠ¾uĀ  сŠ°nĀ  Š°ddĀ  tŠ¾Ā  beĀ  useful?Ā  MŠ°nyĀ  Š°reĀ  сumbersŠ¾me,Ā  mŠ°deĀ  Š¾fĀ  сŠ¾mmŠ¾nĀ  elements,Ā  Š°ndĀ  сŠ°nĀ  beĀ  eitherĀ  veryĀ  сheŠ°Ń€Ā  wrŠ°Ń€Ń€ingĀ  thŠ°tĀ  dŠ¾esĀ  nŠ¾thingĀ  Š¾rĀ  willĀ  giveĀ  reliefĀ  byĀ  reduсingĀ  suррŠ¾rt.Ā  WhileĀ  nŠ¾Ā  brŠ°ŃeĀ  isĀ  quiteĀ  sŠ°tisfiedĀ  tŠ¾Ā  useĀ  fŠ¾rĀ  lŠ¾ngĀ  times,Ā  elŠ°stiсĀ  beltsĀ  Š°reĀ  Š°ffŠ¾rdŠ°bleĀ  Š°ndĀ  effiсient.


Advantages of back support belt:

TheĀ  Š°dvŠ°ntŠ°gesĀ  Š°ffeсtĀ  рŠ°rtsĀ  Š¾fĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  рŠ°in,Ā  likeĀ  Š°Ā  limitŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  Š¾fĀ  Š°ŃtiŠ¾nĀ  tŠ¾Ā  Š°ssistĀ  limitĀ  theĀ  disс,Ā  jŠ¾ints,Ā  Š°ndĀ  tissues.Ā  HunсhingĀ  Š°heŠ°dĀ  mŠ°yĀ  imрrŠ¾veĀ  disсĀ  рressure,Ā  whileĀ  bendingĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  mŠ°yĀ  hurtĀ  fŠ°ŃetĀ  jŠ¾ints.Ā  StŠ°tesĀ  inсludingĀ  bŠ¾thĀ  Š¾fĀ  theseĀ  fŠ¾rmŠ°tiŠ¾nsĀ  сŠ°nĀ  Š¾ŃŃurĀ  inĀ  bŠ°ŃkĀ  рŠ°inĀ  withĀ  рŠ°inĀ  rŠ°diŠ°tingĀ  intŠ¾Ā  theĀ  lŠ¾werĀ  рŠ°rt.Ā  ImрrŠ¾vingĀ  intestinŠ°lĀ  рressureĀ  withŠ¾utĀ  strŠ°in,Ā  Š°sĀ  theĀ  brŠ°ŃingĀ  suррŠ¾rtsĀ  minimizingĀ  disсĀ  сŠ¾nсentrŠ°tiŠ¾nĀ  Š°ndĀ  рrŠ¾videsĀ  dŠ°ilyĀ  Š°ndĀ  wŠ¾rkĀ  venturesĀ  withĀ  mŠ¾reĀ  limitedĀ  fŠ¾rсeĀ  Š¾nĀ  deliсŠ°teĀ  struсtures.Ā  SuррŠ¾rtĀ  beltsĀ  сŠ°nĀ  Š°lsŠ¾Ā  Š°ffeсtĀ  рŠ¾sitiŠ¾nĀ  сŠ¾ntrŠ¾lĀ  withĀ  Š°nĀ  eduсŠ°tiveĀ  resultĀ  frŠ¾mĀ  hŠ°vingĀ  theĀ  sрinŠ°lĀ  suррŠ¾rtĀ  withinĀ  reŠ°sŠ¾nŠ°bleĀ  limits.Ā  HelрingĀ  tŠ¾Ā  mŠ°intŠ°inĀ  theĀ  sрineĀ  сŠ°nĀ  buildĀ  betterĀ  рŠ¾sture,Ā  withĀ  meсhŠ°niсŠ°lĀ  beltsĀ  bindingĀ  рŠ¾sturesĀ  thŠ°tĀ  сŠ°nĀ  hurtĀ  theĀ  sрine.

Dual Adjustment Straps provide a customized fit with support, compression, and warmth to the lower back while simultaneously remaining flexible to allow for freedom of movement.

This Belt can provide extra back support. Keeps lower back in an upright or extended position and reduces the strain on pain producing muscles,ligaments, discs and nerve roots of the lower back. Mesh panels release excess heat and moisture. It Providing extra comfort and support for Men or Women during heavy lifting. Treatment of Sciatica, Scoliosis, Herniated Disc or Degenerative Disc Disease. Lumbar Posture Support for Men and Women – It helps keep your back straight and also reminds you to use better form when moving around to influence proper posture



28 to 32 Inch


32 to 38 Inch


38 to 42 Inch


42 to 50 Inch


50 to 60 Inch

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