Showing 337–384 of 443 results
Physiotherapy Products, Hijama & Acupuncture
Dry Needles
Trigger-point dry needling is an invasive procedure where an acupuncture needle is inserted into the skin and muscle. It is aimed at myofascial trigger points which are hyperirritable spots in skeletal muscle that are associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.Trigger point dry needling can be carried out a superficial or deep tissue level.
Box of 100 needles
SKU: n/a -
Health-Care Products Price in Pakistan, Walking Sticks / Frame
Elbow Crutches
A forearm crutch (also commonly known as an elbow crutch) has a cuff at the top to go around the forearm. It is used by inserting the arm into a cuff and holding the grip. … Forearm crutches are the dominant type used in Europe, whether for short or long term use.
SKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Heating Pads
Atom Electrical Heating Pad – AT-240
- Soothing warmth relieves tired, aching muscles and temporary arthritic pain.
- This heating pad is versatile and light weight, comfortable to use.
- Use them on most parts of the body, arms legs, shoulders, back abdomen, elbows, knees, ankles.
- Absorbent sponge provides penetrating moist heat.
- Soft cover with tie bands to hold the heating pad in place.
- Removable, washable cover with snap closure.
- 100% moisture-proof, vinyl covered pad.
- Heat type: dry/moist
- Size: 30x60cm
- VOLTAGE: 110V&220V
SKU: AT-240 -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Heating Pads
Besmed Electrical Heating Pad – BE 240
Model number : BE-240, Taiwan
- Soothing warmth relieves tired, aching muscles and temporary arthritic pain.
- Besmed heating pads are versatile and light weight, comfortable to use.
- Use them on most parts of the body, arms legs, shoulders, back abdomen, elbows, knees, ankles.
- Absorbent sponge provides penetrating moist heat.
- Soft cover with tie bands to hold the heating pad in place.
- Removable, washable cover with snap closure.
- 100% moisture-proof, vinyl covered pad.
- Heat type: dry/moist
- Size: 30x60cm
- VOLTAGE: 110V&220V
SKU: BE-240 -
Sold out!Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Heating Pads
King Size Electrical Heating Pad – Senior
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Heating PadsKing Size Electrical Heating Pad – Senior
- Soothing warmth relieves tired, aching muscles and temporary arthritic pain.
- This heating pad is versatile and light weight, comfortable to use.
- Use them on most parts of the body, arms legs, shoulders, back abdomen, elbows, knees, ankles.
- Absorbent sponge provides penetrating moist heat.
- Soft cover with tie bands to hold the heating pad in place.
- Removable, washable cover with snap closure.
- 100% moisture-proof, vinyl covered pad.
- Heat type: dry/moist
- Size: 30x60cm
- VOLTAGE: 110V&220V
SKU: SE-00240 -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Heating Pads
Lifecare Electrical Heating Pad LC-240
- Soothing warmth relieves tired, aching muscles and temporary arthritic pain.
- This heating pad is versatile and light weight, comfortable to use.
- Use them on most parts of the body, arms legs, shoulders, back abdomen, elbows, knees, ankles.
- Absorbent sponge provides penetrating moist heat.
- Soft cover with tie bands to hold the heating pad in place.
- Removable, washable cover with snap closure.
- 100% moisture-proof, vinyl covered pad.
- Heat type: dry/moist
- Size: 30x60cm
- VOLTAGE: 110V&220V
SKU: LC-240 -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Heating Pads
UCheck Electrical Heating Pad UC-240
- Soothing warmth relieves tired, aching muscles and temporary arthritic pain.
- This heating pad is versatile and light weight, comfortable to use.
- Use them on most parts of the body, arms legs, shoulders, back abdomen, elbows, knees, ankles.
- Absorbent sponge provides penetrating moist heat.
- Soft cover with tie bands to hold the heating pad in place.
- Removable, washable cover with snap closure.
- 100% moisture-proof, vinyl covered pad.
- Heat type: dry/moist
- Size: 30x60cm
- VOLTAGE: 110V&220V
SKU: UC-240 -
Sold out!Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, TENS & EMS
Electro Pulse Stimulator DL-2
The DL-2 electro-pulse stimulator directions is a fully transistorized low frequency therapeutic instrument for treating neurasthenia, acute wrench, stiff neck, roundworm disease in intestines, sequelae of infantile paralysis, chilblain and other common diseases. It is also proven to have some curative effect on treating the inflammation of cervical vertebra, lumbar vertebra and scapula, sciatica, and rheumatism.
The relief of chronic pain by electric stimulator is now the latest technique in clinical management after Melzack and Wall proposed the gate control theory of pain transmission.
Because sensations such vibrations or light touch reach the spinal cord before the painful impulses, these vibrations or light touch can activate a pool of modulating neurons and block the incoming pain signal.
Electric stimulation causes release of the body’s own pain relieving substances which is known as endorphins. Electric nerve stimulation can activate the large fibers and produces a tingling or vibratory sensation that obstructs painful stimuli.
So discard your old technique and get DL-2 for a more effective and proven relief of chronic pain!
SKU: n/a -
Gym & Fitness Product Price in Pakistan, Treadmill and Ellipticals
- Very low level of stress on the spine and other joints and bones
- Provides an efficient cardiovascular workout and, secondarily, helps build muscle strength when the greater resistance settings are used
- Most elliptical trainers allow the user to adjust the incline and resistance levels
- Some models offer foot pedals that move in dual directions (i.e., forward and backward) to exercise more muscle groups and add variety to the exercise routine.
- Some models of elliptical trainers also have handles or poles to provide an upper body workout (similar to the upper body workout in cross country skiing).
SKU: n/a -
Occupational Therapy
Ergonomic Pencil Grip
Concerned about the children take a posture, the children started life in correct guidance.
Materials: silicone material
Performance: tasteless non-toxic
Soft: moderate
Ion: silver ion
Results: the bactericidal effect
Use: Wobi Correction
Size: 8mm diameter holePacking list:
2 pcs pencil grips (Color random delivery)
SKU: n/a -
Hand Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy
Finger Exerciser
A five-finger exercise is a musical composition designed primarily to exercise all five fingers of the hand. A typical example is Hanon’s The Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises.
Chopin wrote a number of études (studies) that are widely regarded as musical compositions to train musical ability and dexterity of the fingers, especially Étude opus 10. Another example of an exercise to develop musical skills may be Für Elise, it has been suggested that it was written as an exercise to practice skills on the piano. It has since been rewritten for many other instruments.SKU: n/a -
Sold out!Diagnostic Tools, Finger Pulse Oximeters
Finger Pulse Oximeter
А рulse оximeter is а smаll tооl thаt lооks fоrm оf like а сhiр сliр оr а big gаrments рin. Yоur аreа yоur finger snugly interiоr (mоst require nаil side uр), аnd within seсоnds it lighting uр with numbers indiсаting yоur blооd оxygen level аnd rаte оf yоur heаrt. mаximum heаlthy humаns get аn оxygen аnаlyzing аrоund 95 tо 98 рerсentаge. sоme рeорle with existing heаlth соnditiоns might аlsо hаve а lоwer оrdinаry аnаlyzing. Yоu need tо сheсk in tоgether with yоur рhysiсiаn if the wide vаriety fаlls tо аrоund 93 оr 92 оr deсreаse.
Рulse оximetry is а nоninvаsive аnd раinless test thаt meаsures yоur оxygen sаturаtiоn level, оr the оxygen levels in yоur blооd. It саn rарidly deteсt even smаll сhаnges in hоw effiсiently оxygen is being саrried tо the extremities furthest frоm the heаrt, inсluding the legs аnd the аrms.
The рulse оximeter is а smаll, сliр-like deviсe thаt аttасhes tо а bоdy раrt, like tоes оr аn eаrlоbe. It’s mоst соmmоnly рut оn а finger, аnd it’s оften used in а сritiсаl саre setting like emergenсy rооms оr hоsрitаls. Sоme dосtоrs, suсh аs рulmоnоlоgists, mаy use it in оffiсe
The deviсe will аlsо shоw yоur heаrt rаte. А nоrmаl resting heаrt rаte fоr аdults rаnges frоm аbоut 60 tо 100 beаts рer minute, аlthоugh аthletes with а higher саrdiоvаsсulаr fitness will hаve а lоwer рulse.
The deviсe will аlsо shоw yоur heаrt rаte. А nоrmаl resting heаrt rаte fоr аdults rаnges frоm аbоut 60 tо 100 beаts рer minute, аlthоugh аthletes with а higher саrdiоvаsсulаr fitness will hаve а lоwer рulse.
Methоd tо use рulse оximeter:
whilst yоu insert yоur finger right intо а рulse оximeter, it beаms exсlusive wаvelengths оf light viа yоur finger (yоu gаined sense а соmроnent). It’s tаrgeting hemоglоbin, а рrоtein mоleсule оn yоur blооd thаt inсludes оxygen. Hemоglоbin аbsоrbs distinсtive quаntities аnd wаvelengths оf mild deрending оn the extent оf оxygen it’s sроrting. Yоur рulse оximeter will рrоvide yоu with а numeriсаl аnаlyzing а рerсent thаt shоws the level оf оxygen sаturаtiоn fоr yоur blооd. in саse yоu’ve been tо а heаlth рrасtitiоner in the раst 20 yeаrs, yоu’ve skilled рulse оximetry.
The tооl wоrks better with nоrmаl temрerаture аs соmраre tо соld hаnds. Аnd due tо the fасt оxygen stаges саn vаry, reсоlleсt tаking meаsurements sоme instаnсes in оne dаy. аlsо strive it in sрeсiаl роsitiоns, whiсh inсlude even аs mendасity flаt in yоur lоwer bасk оr even аs strоlling. hоld nоtes tо рrороrtiоn tоgether with yоur heаlth рrасtitiоner if needed.
SKU: n/a -
Diagnostic Tools
A goniometer is an instrument which measures the available range of motion at a joint. If a patient or client is suffering from decreased range of motion in a particular joint, the therapist can use a goniometer to assess what the range of motion is at the initial assessment, and then make sure the intervention is working by using the goniometer in subsequent sessions.
The term goniometry is derived from two Greek words, gonia, meaning “angle” and metron, meaning “measurement”.SKU: n/a -
Sold out!
Diagnostic Tools
Hand Dynamometer
The Hand Dynamometer is used to secure an index of general body strength, also to measure right
hand vs. left hand strength for comparative purposes. When combined with other forms of strength
measurement it allows a much more precise measurement of body strength. The Model 78010 and
Model 78011 are an updated version of the Smedley Dynamometer.SKU: n/a -
Hand Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy
Hand Exercise Ball
Hand Grips Strengthening Exerciser. The Hand Grips help patients build their grip strength by squeezing the handles to exercise the muscles in the hands. This hand therapy product is especially helpful for advanced rehabilitation patients.SKU: n/a -
Hand Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy
Hand Grip – Z Shaped
This Z-Shaped Hand Wrist Trainer is designed for strengthening fingers, hand and wrist muscles and relaxing nerves. Comes with a strap which allow you to hang it on your bag wherever you travel without hussle Made of carbon steel spring which ensure no rusting and highly elastic. Suitable for everyone from the seniors to office workers to athletes.
SKU: n/a -
Hand Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy
Hand Gripper
Grippers, sometimes called hand grippers, are primarily used for testing and increasing the strength of the hands; this specific form of grip strength has been called crushing grip, which has been defined as meaning the prime movers are the four fingers, rather than the thumb
SKU: n/a -
Hand Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy
Hand Gripper Liveup
2pcs LiveUp hand gripper heavy steel hand grip exercise fitness body building
• Ergonomically designed to keep your hand in the proper position during exercise.
• Hand Grip is a great way to improve hand musculature and keep your body active anywhere.
• Its compact size is ideal for use in the comfort of home or to take on travel.
• “Just squeeze it hard to begin to feel the muscles tightening.
• Through sturdy steel springs it is possible to strengthen hands, fingers, wrists and forearms.
• Resistance with spring.
• Helps strengthen hands, fingers, wrists and forearms.
• Suitable for use in gyms, clinics, schools,
• Clubs and residences · Helps in recovery of minor injuries and poor articulation problems
• Foam
• Sold pair
• Strength: 10KGSKU: n/a -
Gym & Fitness Product Price in Pakistan, Strength Training Equipment
Home Gym
You can pay thousands for a good home cross trainer, but this reliable and compact machine has all the bases covered, with 18 workout programmes and 16 levels of resistance, as well as a built-in fitness test for those who want to check out how fast they’re improving.
SKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Hydrocollator Units
Hydrocollator Unit – Large
A Hydrocollators is a thermostatically controlled liquid heating device designed to heat bentonite-filled packs in water up to 160 degrees where the packs will be removed and wrapped in several layers of toweling and applied to the affected body area of a patient to relieve acute pain or relax certain muscle groups. Hydrocollators are often used by kinesiologists, sports trainers, physical therapists, and in rehab clinics and chiropractic offices.
SKU: Hydro-L -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Hydrocollator Units
Moist Hot Pack Unit – Hydrocollator
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Hydrocollator UnitsMoist Hot Pack Unit – Hydrocollator
This Hydrocollator is a thermostatically controlled liquid heating device designed to heat bentonite-filled packs in water up to 100 degrees where the packs will be removed and wrapped in several layers of toweling and applied to the affected body area of a patient to relieve acute pain or relax certain muscle groups. Hydrocollators are often used by kinesiologists, sports trainers, physical therapists, and in rehab clinics and chiropractic offices.
SKU: n/a -
Diagnostic Tools
A inclinometer is an instrument for measuring angles of slope (or tilt), elevation or depression of an object with respect to gravity. It is also known as a tilt indicator, tilt sensor, tilt meter, slope alert, slope gauge, gradient meter, gradiometer, level gauge, level meter, declinometer, and pitch & roll indicator.
SKU: n/a -
Massager Machine Products in Pakistan
Infrared Body Massager
We have carved a niche amongst trusted companies for trading and supplying a large assortment of Energy King Massager / Infrared Body Massager. The product we offer to the customers is used for massaging neck, shoulders, calves, waist and many more body parts. Our offered product is highly acknowledged amongst the customers for its hassle free performance and as per the industry standards. Moreover, we offer product to the customers as per the quality standards.SKU: n/a -
Diagnostic Tools, BP Apparatus & Thermometer, Infrared Thermometer
Infrared Forehead Thermometer
-53%Diagnostic Tools, BP Apparatus & Thermometer, Infrared ThermometerInfrared Forehead Thermometer
KINLEE FT3010 Infrared Non-contact Body Thermometer Baby Adult Forehead Digital Thermometer Gun Non-contact Temperature Measurement Device Electronic Thermometer
Features of Infrared forehead Thermometer
Automatic data hold, auto power off
Highly clear LCD digital display
Lightweight and portable for use
Built-in infrared laser pointer for precisely non-contact infrared measurement.
Support the last 32 measurements memorization
Automatic selection range and display resolution 0.1°C (0.1°F)
High-precision fast measurement, good for baby, adults use.Specifications:
Color: 1pc, random color
Product: Precise non-contact measurements
User selectable: °C /°F
Display resolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)
Power Supply: 2 * AA Batteries (Not Included)
Weight: 90g
Size: 9*4.3*14.7cm
Package Weight: Approx.300g
Package Size: Approx. 18*12*8cmPackage List:
1 * Body ThermometerSKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Infrared stand
Infrared Lamp Stand For Pain Management
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Infrared standInfrared Lamp Stand For Pain Management
Thermal effect of infrared is widely used in pain relief as well as treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. 100 W infrared lamp standing unit is a sturdy device which can very effectively be used in a clinic set up to treat patients with wide range of musculoskeletal health problems
Product description:
Infrared Lamp Standing unit is an highly effective heat treatment option in modern physiotherapy and pain management clinics. It often used as an adjunct treatment option to physical exercises and rehabilitation
Key Features:
Pain relief – Infrared lamp increases the body temperature and helps in various types of body aches and pains e.g muscle pain, sports injuries, arthritis or joints pains
Flexible – Infrared lamp can be adjusted to reach any angle or height according to use requirement
Easy set up – Product comes with easy set up guidelines and machine can be put to use immediately.
SKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Infrared stand
infrared Lamp With Professional Stand
Infrared Lamp Standing Professional unit is an highly effective heat treatment option in modern physiotherapy and pain management clinics. It often used as an adjunct treatment option to physical exercises and rehabilitation
SKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Infrared stand
Infrared Stand – Stainless Steel
Thermal effect of infrared is widely used in pain relief as well as treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. 100 W infrared lamp standing unit is a sturdy device which can very effectively be used in a clinic set up to treat patients with wide range of musculoskeletal health problems
Product description:
Infrared Lamp Standing unit is an highly effective heat treatment option in modern physiotherapy and pain management clinics. It often used as an adjunct treatment option to physical exercises and rehabilitation
Key Features:
Pain relief – Infrared lamp increases the body temperature and helps in various types of body aches and pains e.g muscle pain, sports injuries, arthritis or joints pains
Flexible – Infrared lamp can be adjusted to reach any angle or height according to use requirement
Easy set up – Product comes with easy set up guidelines and machine can be put to use immediately.
SKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, TENS & EMS
Interferential Stimulator (IF-908)
The interferential stimulator (IF) device is a battery operated device that includes two controllable output channels. Amplitude, mode and duration of the electrical impulses can be altered with the buttons or knobs. The controls are protected by a cover in order to prevent accidental changes to the settings. Slide the cover down to make adjustments to the controls.
SKU: IF-908 -
Accessories, Infrared stand , Physiotherapy Products
IR Bulb – 100 watt
Infrared therapy is a new and innovative light-based method to treat pain and inflammation in various parts of the body. Unlike ultraviolet light, which can damage the skin, infrared light enhances cell regeneration. Infrared light is delivered to the site of injury or inflammation at certain wavelengths, promoting cell repair.
SKU: n/a -
Physiotherapy Products, Kinesiology & Rigid Tapes
GSPCARE Kinesiology Tape Latex Free Waterproof for Muscle Building,Knees,Anles,Shoulder,Pain Relief and Injury Recovery – Free Kinesiology Taping Guide -blue
Physiotherapy Products, Kinesiology & Rigid TapesGSPCARE Kinesiology Tape Latex Free Waterproof for Muscle Building,Knees,Anles,Shoulder,Pain Relief and Injury Recovery – Free Kinesiology Taping Guide -blue
GSPCARE is a worldwide state-of-the-art sporting activity medicine business with full collection of sporting activity treatment and sport rehab products. With over 17 years of manufacturing experience, GSPCARE aims to be the number 1 option for self-adhesive cohesive bandages and kinesiology tapes.
SKU: n/a -
Physiotherapy Products, Kinesiology & Rigid Tapes
Kinesio Tape
The Kinesio Taping Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting. Latex-free and wearable for days at a time, Kinesio Tape is safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric, and successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and other medical conditions. The Kinesio Taping Method is a therapeutic taping technique not only offering your patient the support they are looking for, but also rehabilitating the affected condition as well. By targeting different receptors within the somatosensory system, Kinesio Tape alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting affect forms convolutions in the skin thus increasing interstitial space and allowing for a decrease in inflammation of the affected areas.
Available Colors : Black, Blue, Beige and Pink
SKU: n/a -
Face Masks & Respirators
KN 95 Mask (Pack of 10)
• KN 95 Mask is a Five ply mask which is not only dust proof but protects against airborne germ contamination. It is reusable and can last up to 21 days.
• It can save a person from different pollution and viruses that exist in the environment.
• It is meant to help block dust particles, splashes, sprays, or anything that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria), keeping it away from reaching your mouth and nose. It is also breathable which will help reduce suffocation under long periods.
• With soft elastic ear hooks, It is very easy to on your face, mold-able nose clamp makes it easy to reduce leakage. Approved on American standard, tested and proven under many circumstances.FDA and CE Approved
SKU: n/a -
Face Masks & Respirators
KN 95 Mask with Filter
<< Function: Thick layers of protection effectively resist the invasion of harmful substances, protecting against dust, liquids and weather.
<< Good quality: Seal the bridge of the nose improves the adhesion of the item.
<< Comfortable to wear: No falling off, comfortable to wear and the mask is designed with high strength.
<< Wide application: Perfect for machining, automobile making, sports, running, hiking, climbing and so on.
<< Convenient to use: Adjustable nose clip fits the face, fixes the sides of the easily detachable nose wings, helping to isolate the polluted air.
<< Comfortable to wear: The mask is wide enough to cover the nose, mouth and face, it fits for most faces.
< Respirator valve: Independent one-way breathing valve effectively reduces respiratory resistance.SKU: n/a -
Face Masks & Respirators
KN 95 Mask with Filter (Pack of 5 Mask)
5 Layered Ultra Strong Protection: 5 premium layers including Activated Carbon Layer, HV Electrostatic Cotton Dust Layer & Anti-Bacterial Layer to give better best filtration and comfort.
8 in One Protection: Protect yourself from allergies, dust, breathing diseases, ischemic heart diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lung cancer, development of asthma, skin exposure to outside environment, passive smoking, harmful chemicals, water and unwanted touch. Best Product to protect yourself from harmful effects of SMOG.
SKU: n/a -
Belts & Braces Price in Pakistan
Open Patella Knee Brace
Open Patella knee support will offer extra protection to the patella, and this is one of our most popular product with a reinforced patella stabilizer included in the support.
This helps to prevent abnormal tracking of the patella during activities, making sure that it stays in proper alignment with the rest of the joint. It also helps to relieve pressure on the patella.
SKU: n/a -
Belts & Braces Price in Pakistan
Knee Immobilizer
The knee immobilizer is used for a variety of knee conditions. Normally, the brace is constructed of a soft-foam material which can be trimmed and easily adjusted. There are normally malleable stays medially, laterally and often posteriorly for additional support.
The brace is designed to keep the knee in an extended position when the patient is standing or ambulating.SKU: n/a -
Kinesiology & Rigid Tapes, Physiotherapy Products
KT Pro Tape – Synthetic
Need support that will endure your toughest workout? KT Tape Pro ® is just what the trainer ordered. It will relieve pain and provide support where you need it.* KT Tape Pro ® will stay in place through multiple demanding workouts for up to seven days. KT Tape Pro ® will stick with you in the harshest conditions including daily showers, humidity, cold, even in the pool.
SKU: n/a -
Kinesiology & Rigid Tapes, Physiotherapy Products
KT Tape – Cotton
Need support that will endure multiple lighter workouts? Then original KT TAPE is for you. It provides targeted pain relief* and will stay in place through multiple workouts for up to 3 days, through daily showers, humidity, cold, even in the pool*.
Each box comes with 20 precut strips of tape on a roll and a quick start guide with step-by-step instructions for the most common injuries*.
SKU: n/a -
Sold out!Massager Machine Products in Pakistan
Luxurious Body Massager 11 in 1
luxurious 11 in 1 Body Massager is a powerful hand-held massager with 11 attachment options designed to stimulate pressure points and relax stiff muscles and nerves. The result is instant rejuvenation and extreme relaxation with enhanced blood circulation. High Frequency points can massage the temples and other brain points to eliminate uncomfortable feeling of drowsiness and fatigue poor memory and appetite.
SKU: n/a -
Gym & Fitness Product Price in Pakistan, Strength Training Equipment
Best Medicine Ball Price in Pakistan
Gym & Fitness Product Price in Pakistan, Strength Training EquipmentBest Medicine Ball Price in Pakistan
- Home training medicine ball.
- High grip textured surface area.
- Designed for resistance and stability workouts.
- Create eruptive speed and power together with synchronization and flexibility.
- Builds stamina and deal full body exercise.
- Suitable for useful core stamina and plyometric training.
SKU: n/a -
Hand Rehabilitation, Occupational Therapy
Nut and Bolt Board
Nuts and bolts can help children develop their fine motor skills (e.g. different finger grips, grasping objects and finger strength) as they play.
Using these nuts and bolts toys can also teach spatial skills. Spatial awareness is a complex mental skill which allows children to understand their own location, and the location of objects in relation to their bodies. In understanding this, children then come to learn concepts such as direction, distance and location.
SKU: n/a -
Best Electrotherapy Product Price in Pakistan, Wax Baths
Paraffin Wax Bath
Ideal for chronic arthritis & joint pains for the relaxation and repair of stiff muscles, dry skin, tired & over worked hands & feet and much more.
Paraffin therapy is one of the most effective methods of applying deep heat to relieve pain and stiffness. The warm paraffin also moisturizes for healthier looking, softer skin, help to reduce contracture.
Paraffin bath comes with fully adjustable thermostat, lid and plastic filter. (Supplied without wax and accessories)
SKU: Wax-China -
Balance Training, Rehabilitation Products, Therapy & Exercise Balls
Peanut ball
The Peanut Ball is another great tool to add to your doula bag. The Gymnic brand Physio Roll is a peanut shaped ball is a high quality exercise ball which can be used for women in labor.
Banner Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona is using these balls regularly after moms get epidurals. They have seen positive results with this technique.
SKU: n/a